Sunday, May 22, 2016

Zimbabwe has comparative stonework to the Aran Islands

However, no individual from the world class club or 'Divine forces of Archeology' will be seen expounding on the presence of Mu and few even suggest Atlantis in the most recent century. The truths are currently over-whelming and we can't give every one of them in one book or even ten. There is an archeological group in Tiahuanaco/Titicaca at long last going submerged to take a gander at Puma Puncu or whatever the angler have been binds their water crafts to for centuries. The trenches here resemble the ones in Pohnpei of the Pacific with the exception of they are miles above ocean level. Late research says the Pyramids of Caral are a century more seasoned than the ones in Giza yet we'll see that is flawed when we look all the more carefully at Giza. We have said the new site off the westernmost tip of Cuba that may have Luwian script of Cretan starting point. All these locales are a piece of the overall civilization(s). Every one of them are more essential than Thera. Yonaguni close Japan is presently joined by another megalithic site close-by. It has a huge human head in stone. Yonaguni could be 17,000 years of age or as meager as 7,000 however it hasn't been accounted for on in North America. This TV program mentioned Cayce and Bimini yet it did exclude the Bahamas or the phenomenal work of Andrew Collins that associates these to Cuba. I hear another TV program has done that as of late.

Zimbabwe has comparative stonework to the Aran Islands off the bank of Ireland and the theme in Zimbabwe looks a considerable measure like the Greek image of rough lines. Peru's banner incorporates a comparative theme. The Zimbabwean divider may identify with the mines of Namihiacl dated to 45,000 years back, which are found close-by, and the White Lady of Brandberg in her Minoan clothing is there as well. Who are the Tamils and Ainu identified with? Truth be told the unimportant proposal that there is any one site for Atlantis is a piece of the continuation of the Flat Earth teaching method of the Catholic roused Dark Ages and Inquisitions. Simply ask Galileo how close he came to being smoldered in the event that he wouldn't oblige the Monsters. These beasts are not at the edge of the earth - despite everything they control it! Pope John Paul II is a decent man who has made the best decision when he apologized for about 2000 years of "terrible acts" in 1999. He requests "pardoning and reestablishment" while no lady minister or priest exists in his foul space that sees them conceding they helped the Nazis escape Germany to assume control South America (Chomsky's general remark). They talk out of both sides of their holes at the same time. After they were compelled to concede the Pope who never ex-conveyed Hitler was included in this Underground Railroad to South America they composed a book making him seem to have spared Jews from death camps. It is all immeasurably an excessive amount to stomach, for me. Why aren't they burdened and who ever gave sovereign countries the privilege to make it so ladies can't be taught?

History Channel Documentary

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