Sunday, May 22, 2016

The populist Kelts kept on supporting

The populist Kelts kept on supporting and empower their ladies in spots like Ireland and the Romuva of Poland/Lithuania long after the Council of Carthage in 397 A.D. that formalized the scapegoating of ladies in this terrible beast that has executed the most appalling acts known not. They knew how to stop the infection yet saw it "fit" their 'transgressions and evil presences' medieval force get. See the work of William of Rubruck as he went to The Khan in his Altaic locale and saw them isolate and clean after Marmots or dark rats were in the zone. It is currently known this sickness happened in cycles over numerous centuries. Paracelsus cured the town of Stertzing, Austria in 1524 while the North America leftovers of the "Fellowship" were kicking the bucket by the millions. Why do growth cures of long standing like pig's pancreases, or Wilhelm Reich's "orgone" vitality go into the same blazes that saw books smoldered at Kristallnacht? History is as yet rehashing itself.

I think we can see the Mu Royal Family crest on the cheek of the mummy we see with the red hair from the Tarim Basin. What does this mean? Was the Mu Royal family "Red Heads" as well; generally as those smoldered and winnowed to the wind at the graves of Osiris and different lords of comparative source all through the Mediterranean amid the Hyksos period (see Frazer's Golden Bough and the reports of Plutarch and others.)? Churchward said the white man came to Europe from North America's Mayax. In Prehistoric Worldwide Import of the Great Lakes we demonstrated the Mississippi was the foundation of the mineral exchange. It was the most immaculate and enabling potential weapon or device for the "Fellowship" for a long time. This about general image of the sun with four essential strengths has the additional four auxiliary powers.

History Channel Documentary

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