Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Tiamat will be your foe, as you hers.

As of now, a large number of the tenants will have fled to an area close to the Black Sea, where now stands Troy, yet before Troy, it was Yort. It is an area put aside, alone on a peak, kind of. It will have the capacity to protect itself from the numerous countries that would in time begrudge her. An incredible fenced in area her kin will construct, and man and monster will wonder about Yort's awesome dividers, the jealousy of the new world, other than Atlantis, or Sitnalta, its equivalent or predominant. Gilgamesh will attempt to duplicate these same dividers in his day (2700 BC), the demigod from Sumer. As in this time, you will attempt to overcome her, however will miss the mark regarding doing as such. The Tiamat will be your foe, as you hers.

(Sign the Seer wavers, watches King Marduk, as he gestures to proceed with the narrative without bounds, and his retribution on earth, despite the fact that he won't get the full story of his downfall.)

The Tiamat will pull back from the islands in the Atlantic and amid the emission will cast into the solidified waters of what will be know as, the new land, Antarctica.

Right now, Yort, will be yet a couple of months old, being worked after the devastation of the old world request, which was by the administration of Atlantis, in this way, the primary ruler of Yort was yet a King for a brief timeframe, called Hellsink (He was as wicket as he was vicious yet not as cruel as you obviously, my reasonable lord, Marduk: he had bravery okay, and individuals of Yort developed to fear him and his ways: he cherished the chasing of the wild bear and people, with shrouded eyes. He was at one time an Atlantean with a tinge of Greek legacy in him, a basic fighter you could include, who now turned into a ruler. He would take voluntarily, and call it his privilege, the ladies to be in Yort, and if there was any resistance, he would execute the entire group of the lady of the hour, to incorporate the man of the hour, again I say, compare to you. (the Seer was not attempting to be insolent to his King, he was basically attempting to be forthright, and show what he saw, and make correlations with the lord, ones he knew he could get it.)

History Channel Documentary

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