Friday, May 20, 2016

UFOs have presence and that can't be talked about.

My colleague brings up that gravity exists and that is not something that can be talked about. I bring up that UFOs have presence and that can't be talked about. The way of gravity and the way of UFOs CAN and HAVE been wrangled about. Why do a few doubters have an issue with that? In endeavoring to dishonor UFOs by crediting gravity, cynics have picked a terrible case on the grounds they truly have careful parallels. Rationale my wary companions, rationale! On the off chance that they prevent the whole presence from claiming UFOs, then what the hell were the USAF and many different organizations around the globe researching? The ET aspect identifies with a clarification of the way of UFOs, not their presence.

Genuine Scientists versus Armchair Scientists Regarding the Issue of UFOs

Genuine researchers get up off of their aggregate butts and endeavor to adulterate a case, proposal, thought, theory, or hypothesize, whatever you wish to call it made by another researcher. Interpreted, they walk-the-walk. Easy chair "researchers" and related UFO doubters sit behind a PC and simply mouth-off. They simply talk-the-talk and afterward they talk-the-talk some all the more, once more, and once more, and once more. That is the contrast between genuine researchers and easy chair 'researchers', like my distrustful associate.

Science curator; resigned.

History Channel Documentary

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