Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Their examination drove them to connecting

Discovery Channel Documentary

In 1971, two siblings, Terrence and Dennis McKenna, ventured out to the inside of the Amazon woodland. Being researchers who are incredulous of any paranormal action they set out to demonstrate for the last time that the Shamans of Mesoamerica could have their experience reported and deductively dissected. Their hypothesis was that the profound euphorias attributed to the Shamans was to be found in the synthetic constituents of the neighborhood mix that has the impact of upgrading such otherworldly exercises. They subjected the nearby blend got from a neighborhood herb local to the Amazon, called ayahuasca, to exploratory examination and found it contains the compound synthetically known as dimethyltryptamine and harmine, which is a beta carboline. In plain dialect, these are chemicals fundamental for upgraded cerebrum exercises that look like the regular discharges from the pineal organ. They took the herbs themselves to discover the adequacy through encounters, and experienced what was later depicted as modified condition of awareness.

Their examination drove them to connecting the movement of the herb to the Chinese standard of I-chang. I-chang manages the few blends of positive and negative strengths, called the ying and yang, to deliver a distinct union. They noticed that the images of ying and yang could be joined into hexagrams, sixty four hexagrams demonstrating all the conceivable blends. In a protracted research excessively perplexing, making it impossible to clarify here, they could get to data on Nuclear Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA, and could quantify the wavelengths of radiations originating from iotas and subatomic particles included. They could make what they portrayed as a period wave for these particles. They were likewise prompted apply the same standard to greater substances like the earth, making a period wave of history. They found that all the waves syndronised - both the earth and nuclear waves - just once, and that was the year 2012 AD. That was the joint crest of all was. They distributed their work titled ''The undetectable Landscape,'' in 1975.

In the interim, freely, an American Jose Arguelles, distributed a book he entitled ''The Mayan component''. The center of his book was the old human advancement of the Mayans of South America. At the point when Cortez attacked their property in 507AD, the greater part of their hallowed compositions were devastated by the conquistadors. In any case, five of the books could be spared. Today, they are kept in various parts of Europe - Dresden, Paris, Madrid, Prague and Croatia. One thing that struck archeologists was that the date-books, which were a piece of the recuperated compositions, unexpectedly finished in December 21, 2012.

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